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Childcare Services
Child Care
Childcare Referral Resources
In serving clients, San Pablo EDC encounters demand for referral to childcare services that range from daycare to preschool. Childcare for working families is a challenge given cost versus the income threshold required for most subsidy. Following is a list of resources for those seeking these services.
Resources Contra Costa
This is an excellent resource for families or individuals seeking multiple types of support.
CoCo Kids
This is a free childcare referral service matching family needs with providers.
Contra Costa County Community Services (Employment and Human Services Department)
• Serves children 0-5 through Federal and State subsidies
• Offers center-based and alternative payment CalWORKs Voucher program for infants to age 5, and to age 12 for the vouchers
Early Learning Center (at Contra Costa College)
• While a great service to all and located next to a transit center, residents of the incorporated City of San Pablo have access to subsidy at ELC if their child is enrolled.
YMCA of the East Bay
• Head Start Preschool Program provides low to no-cost high quality child care and early learning for low-income families.
• Serving children from birth to 5 years old.
First 5 Contra Costa
• Serves families with children ages 0 – 5 yo to help young children start school healthy and ready to learn
West Contra Costa Unified School District
• Has a large State Preschool program that serves 3-5 year olds at various sites throughout the District and of course they have Transitional Kindergarten for 4-5 year olds
Residents of the incorporated City of San Pablo may use all of these resources, and may also qualify for childcare subsidy at the Early Learning Center at Contra Costa College. If you are interested, please contact San Pablo EDC at (510) 215-3200.