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Certifications can be useful as a marketing tool and a way for you to further grow you business. You can differentiate and add credibility to your business through obtaining business certifications. There are many different certifications - some that cover a wide range of industries, or very industry specific certifications. Check with local business groups and statewide organizations for addtional certifications.

Green Business

Becoming a Green Business is a no-brainer -- a win-win situation that saves you money and protects the environment. Customers appreciate green businesses who are operating conciously to protect our natural and envrionmental resources. Once you become a green business, you can market your business as such while also qualifying for energy and waste rebates.

Disenfranchised Business Enterprise Program

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), through its operating administrations which include Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Transit Administration, distributes in excess of $20 billion annually throughout the nation to help finance thousands of projects across the country. Although a major portion of the funds is allocated for highway construction, funds are also provided to local public transit authorities, including the District, for mass transit projects. The DOT DBE Program provides a vehicle for increasing the participation by disadvantaged businesses in these procurements.

The main objectives of the DBE Program are:

  • To ensure that small DBE firms can compete fairly for federally funded transportation-related projects
  • To ensure that only eligible firms participate as a DBE firm
  • To assist DBE firms in competing outside of the DBE Program.

In order for small disadvantaged firms, including those owned by minorities and women, to participate as a DBE in DOT-assisted contracts, they must apply for and receive certification as a DBE. For the state of California, DBE certification is performed by the certifying agencies of the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP).

Women Owned Small Business Certification

The WOSB Federal Contract Program was implemented in February 2011 with the goal of expanding the number of industries where WOSB were able to compete for business with the federal government. This program enables Economically Disadvantaged WOSBs (EDWOSBs) to compete for federal contracts that are set-aside for EDWOSBs in industries where women-owned small businesses are underrepresented. It also allows set-asides for WOSBs in industries where women-owned small businesses are substantially underrepresented.